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Blockchain technology is revolutionizing the world, and developers around the globe are racing to keep up with its potential applications. Mastering an API (Application Programming Interface) is a crucial part of successfully incorporating any Blockchain implementation into a project. This blog post provides an introduction to API, Blockchain APIs, and their use cases. So let's get started!

What is an API?

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) has revolutionized the way software works. APIs allow developers to access the functionality of other software or websites, making it easier than ever before to create powerful and creative applications. APIs are quickly becoming integral components in many different types of applications, from the consumer-facing web and mobile apps to enterprise-level business systems. With APIs, developers can easily integrate data from different sources and use them in their own projects for more efficient development.

What are the types of API Architectures?

There are several different types of API architectures, including REST (Representational State Transfer), SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), GraphQL, and RPC (Remote Procedure Call). Each architecture has its own set of benefits and drawbacks, making it important to understand the differences between them before deciding which one to use. RESTful APIs are the most common type of API architecture and are used for building web services with a focus on resource-oriented URLs and HTTP commands such as GET and POST. SOAP APIs rely heavily on XML data format, while GraphQL provides an alternative for smaller, more targeted queries. RPC focuses on request-response protocols between distributed application components.

At NodeReal, the API architectures are predominantly RESTful and JSON RPC. Furthermore, using GraphQL, we developed the DeFi API for Uniswap and co-build it with PancakeSwap.

What is a blockchain API?

A blockchain API is an application programming interface (API) that helps developers interact with a blockchain network. It is designed to ease the process of integrating blockchain technology into applications and websites. A blockchain API simplifies developers' interactions with a blockchain network while helping them build decentralized applications. It can provide access to data on transactions, blocks, smart contracts, account balances, and more. Additionally, it allows users to send transactions or messages on the blockchain without writing their own code.

For developers, the most common blockchain APIs are standard blockchain APIs, usually implemented in the JSON-RPC architecture. Developers can call the API through HTTPS or WebSockets to send transactions or retrieve blockchain data. And through standard API, developers can also use standard SDKs like web3.js or to communicate with blockchains.

Besides the standard APIs, there are different types of advanced or enhanced APIs that can save a lot of development efforts. For example, there are Defi APIs, NFT APIs, and Wallet APIs that are built on top of the standard APIs. Usually, the enhanced APIs are based on the data indexing of blockchains and are being used as a cache layer of applications. There are pros and cons of enhanced APIs, for example, enhanced APIs usually aggregate the data for the developers for different use cases, so that developers do not need to do the data indexing and aggregation themselves. However, as there is no standard for enhanced API, the portability of applications can be a problem if enhanced APIs are used.

Head over to the NodeReal API marketplace now, we have a plethora of API waiting for you. You can choose the standard APIs or enhanced APIs of multiple chains to build your application.

What are some uses for blockchain API?

Blockchain APIs can be used in a variety of ways. For example, they can be used to create decentralized applications, securely store data, power cryptocurrency and financial technology solutions, facilitate digital identity authentication and authorization, and more. Additionally, they can help developers build interfaces between blockchain networks and other systems without having to write custom code. Furthermore, they can be used to access data related to transactions, blocks, accounts, smart contracts, and more. We will share two use cases for blockchain API for blockchain explorer and DeFi.

To demonstrate, developers can also build custom applications that allow users to interact with the network in interesting ways. For instance in BSCTrace and TraceMove, users can trace the transaction records on BNB Smart Chain and Aptos. Check out the list of API references here.

In the next example, PancakeSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) built on the Binance Smart Chain network that utilizes blockchain API technology for its operation. By utilizing the PancakeSwap GraphQL API, PancakeSwap enables users to securely access their funds, swap different assets, and perform transactions without relying upon a third-party or centralized platform. The API also provides added security and scalability benefits such as stronger prevention of malicious actors and faster transaction confirmations. Furthermore, PancakeSwaps GraphQL API technology allows developers to create custom tools and applications by connecting directly to the blockchain, making it easier for teams to build projects quickly and efficiently.

Give yourself a pat on the back for reading this far. As a reward for your attention, we will like to invite you to try out the API at our marketplace. Stay tuned for the upcoming blog as we share about what are the unique features of MegaNode.

About NodeReal

NodeReal is a one-stop blockchain infrastructure and service provider that embraces the high-speed blockchain era and empowers developers by “Make your Web3 Real”. We provide scalable, reliable, and efficient blockchain solutions for everyone, aiming to support the adoption, growth, and long-term success of the Web3 ecosystem.

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