On April 18, we introduced MegaNode Archive Node V2 on BNB Chain. Today, we are beyond excited to announce that our fully optimized Archive Service is also LIVE on Ethereum. Being the fastest archive service provider, MegaNode now enables developers to access all the historical data of both Ethereum and BNB Chain.

Optimized MegaNode Archive Service For Ethereum

In the current optimized version, MegaNode brings the fastest and most reliable archive services in this world on Ethereum, including Eth Module and Debug Module.

Our services are deployed worldwide with high-performance quality. Developers can access archive nodes from any corner of the world and experience our services with an SLA of ~99.5%.

MegaNode Performance Capability: Strikingly Powerful

To help you have a clearer understanding of our performance, we introduced a comprehensive performance testing framework to evaluate not only the performance but also the stability and scalability of the network. The same testing is performed on NodeReal and other infra providers here.

Scalability Results: Archive RPC Load Test

We have tested the RPC calls in 1000-QPS (Query Per Second) on random blocks (between latest and “latest - 1M” blocks) and random addresses (~ 250k addresses).

As the testing result is shown below,

For the Eth Module, NodeReal shows the highest throughput with the lowest responsive time.

For the Debug Module: Both NodeReal and Infra F can support all the 4 time-consuming debug calls with high-performance results.  

*Note: Some infra providers have the rate limits as highlighted in the table above which NodeReal does not.

Stability Testing: RPC (eth_call) Sampling

Here, we have set up an AWS lambda bot collecting eth_call samples per minute. Later we calculate the response time using 90% on a daily basis to draw the following graphs.

As we can see from the testing results below, NodeReal’s MegaNode is the fastest and most stable.

How to Get Started?

Accessing archive services through MegaNode is super easy. You can access it through the APIs mentioned above, or leverage our Composer which is a test environment for you to easily configure your requests.

Let’s say you want to query the balance data of a certain address 0x8894E0a0c962CB723c1976a4421c95949bE2D4E3 at block 14,000,000 on Ethereum. Below is a step-by-step tutorial on how to query the info through the composer.

Step 1: Sign Up for MegaNode and connect with Ethereum Mainnet

It’s worth mentioning that we are currently running a 3 Month Growth Plan FREE Trial Campaign. All you need to do is just log in with your Github account. Create your first App and connect with Ethereum Mainnet.

Step 2: Navigate to Composer

Connected successfully! Next, navigate to Composer, select the app you just created, choose “eth_getBalance” for method, and input the wallet address and block number you want to query. Click “Send Request”.

In a millisecond, you can view the request result as shown below. And that’s it! You’ve just completed your first query using MegaNode Archive Node services. 🎉

With all being said, if you are looking for archive nodes on Ethereum, get started with us right away, especially in this period when we are still running the 3 month Growth Plan FREE Trial Campaign!

For more information, here is the dev documentation for you to refer to.

Sign up now.

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