TutorialsThe Fastest NodeReal Enhanced API (Part 2) - NFT APIsIn this article, we provide a step-by-step tutorial on using NodeReal's enhanced API to query an existing non-fungible token, Heros&Empires NFT.
BNB Chain, TutorialsHow to Resolve a Name through SpaceID SDKIn this Tutorial, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to resolve a name through SpaceID SDK.
TutorialsFastest Enhanced API Tutorial Part1: ERC20 Token Metadata QueryIn this Tutorial, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to develop a block explorer that uses the Nodereal enhanced API to fetch details from the BNB Smart Chain blockchain for the given transaction hash.
BNB ChainBNB Smart Chain Performance Anatomy Series: Chapter I - The Critical 3 SecondsIn this article, I will try to share a deep analysis of the critical path and bottlenecks of the BSC networks, and there will be future articles to show what NodeReal has done to improve its performance.
Case Study, Ethereum, BNB ChainLitentry Powers Its Decentralised Identity Aggregation with NodeReal’s MegaNodeWe’re now partnered with Litentry, a world-leading Web3 Decentralised Identity Aggregator (DIA). Litentry offers a Decentralised Identity Aggregator that links user identities across multiple networks and platforms in a privacy-preserving way.
Products, BNB ChainThe Fastest MegaNode Archive Node V2 is now LIVE on BNB ChainIntroducing MegaNode Archive Node services and how you can get started using them.
Products, BNB ChainBSCTrace, A New Blockchain Explorer On BNB Chain Powered by NodeReal’ MegaNodeNodeReal has launched a brand new product — BSCTrace, a block explorer focusing on the BNB Chain.