Historical Transactions API (Premium)

Historical Transactions API (Premium)

Developed by Covalent
A series of granular, historical transaction endpoints capable of fetching transactions for even the biggest wallets with ~400 ms response times at 50 RPS.
Quotas & Limits
100,000 Requests/mo50 Queries/sec
View Docs
Quotas & Limits
API List 5
Supported Chains & Networks




Meet Covalent's Transaction Endpoints - a comprehensive solution for effective transaction data retrieval. Are you building a wallet application and in need of fetching transactions for even the biggest wallets with fast response times? Or are you looking for a way to export transaction data in bulk without making time-consuming and expensive calls to a node?

Covalent’s transaction endpoints are designed to solve all these problems and more, with industry-leading performance and reliability. With endpoints built to fit any use case, the possibilities of what you can build are endless. Moreover, Covalent indexes 100+ chains across Mainnets and Testnets.

Quotas & Limits

Monthly Quota
Rate Limit
Monthly Quota
100,000 Requests
Rate Limit
50 Queries/sec

API List (5)

Get all transactions in a block (v3)

Returns all the transactions within a block or a range of blocks.

Get all transactions in a block by page (v3)

Same as Get all transactions in a block, but allows you to quickly retrieve the next page of responses.

Get bulk time bucket transactions for address (v3)

Used for heavy volume wallets - allows you to get all transactions in bulk by specifying a time bucket.

Get paginated transactions for address (v3)

Same as Get recent transactions for address, but allows you to comb through transactions by pages of 100 items each.

Get recent transactions for address (v3)

Returns the last 100 transactions for an address

Supported Chains & Networks

BNB Smart Chain
BNB Smart Chain
Arbitrum One
Arbitrum One
Arbitrum Nova
Arbitrum Nova