PancakeSwap is an automated market maker(AMM) that allows tokens to be exchanged on the BNB Chain. Millions of trades are being made on PancakeSwap every week. It generated tremendous transaction data on BNB Chain, it is highly time-consuming to retrieve those data for any analyzing purpose.
NodeReal, a one-stop Web3 API service provider, has now officially supported GraphQL queries to retrieve PancakeSwap v2 data.
The free package is for trial purpose only and have a strict rate limit of 200 queries per day. If you need a higher rate limit, please try the PancakeSwap GraphQL (Premium).
Quotas & Limits
- This API package's consumption is measured by (CUPS).
- Each user will have a monthly quota of CU under a set rate limit Compute Units (CUs)depending on your membership tiers.
- Your monthly quota will be shared among all API packages that consume CU.
API List (1)
This method helps you send GraphQL requests to fetch PancakeSwap data on NodeReal.