Developed by NodeReal
While acquiring NFT data is complex, our NFT API makes it easy to retrieve the NFTs you're looking for and their metadata in a more straightforward and faster way.
Free Now$49.00/month
Quotas & Limits
Consume CU & Limited by CUPS
Quotas & Limits
API List 18
Supported Chains & Networks


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Our NFT API package lets you get all the information you want about NFTs from the BNB Smart Chain. Without these included APIs, you may spend lots of time coding, searching, indexing, etc., all by yourself. But now, with our NFT API package, you only need to make one request to fetch the NFTs you're looking for and their metadata in a more straightforward and faster way.

Quotas & Limits

Membership Tier
Monthly Quota
Rate Limit
Monthly Quota
100,000,000 CUs
Rate Limit
300 CUPS
Monthly Quota
500,000,000 CUs
Rate Limit
700 CUPS
Monthly Quota
2,000,000,000 CUs
Rate Limit
1,500 CUPS
Monthly Quota
5,000,000,000 CUs
Rate Limit
3,000 CUPS
Monthly Quota
Rate Limit
  • This API package's consumption is measured by (CUPS).
  • Each user will have a monthly quota of CU under a set rate limit Compute Units (CUs)depending on your membership tiers.
  • Your monthly quota will be shared among all API packages that consume CU.

API List (18)

nr_getNFTCollectionHolderCount50 CU/Request

This API method helps you to get the number of NFT(721/1155) collection holders of an NFT(721/1155) token.

nr_getNFTCollectionHolders300 CU/Request

This API method helps you to get the holders' info of the NFT token for ERC1155/ERC721.

nr_getNFTHolderCount50 CU/Request

This API method helps you to get the number of holders of an NFT(721/1155) token.

nr_getNFTHolders300 CU/Request

This API method helps you to get the owners for a BEP-721/1155 tokenId.

nr_getNFTHoldersWithBalance100 CU/Request

This API method helps you to get the owners with balance for a BEP-721/1155 tokenId.

nr_getNFTHoldingCount50 CU/Request

This API method helps you to get the number of NFT(721/1155) token holdings of an account.

nr_getNFTHoldings300 CU/Request

This API method helps you to get the BEP-721/1155 tokens and the amount held by an address.

nr_getNFTInventory200 CU/Request

This API method helps you to get the BEP-721/1155 token inventory of an address, filtered by contract address.

nr_getNFTMeta100 CU/Request

This API method helps you to get the meta of an ERC1155/ERC721 token of an address.

nr_getNFTTokenCount50 CU/Request

This API method helps you to get the number of token ids of an NFT(721/1155) token.

Supported Chains & Networks

BNB Smart Chain
BNB Smart Chain