

Developed by NodeReal
Still have no idea how to debug? Try our Debug API package to replay all the transactions that have been executed prior and start saving efforts right now.
Growth+Plan Only
Quotas & Limits
Consume CU & Limited by CUPS
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Quotas & Limits
API List 6
Supported Chains & Networks


Testing APIs

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The Debug API gives you access to several non-standard RPC methods, which will allow you to inspect, debug and set certain debugging flags during runtime. Also, it could help you replay all the transactions that have been executed prior and save considerable effort for your debugging process.


When you are requesting our Debug APIs, we'll distinguish each request by whether it enables Javascript tracers or not.

If it did enable the Javascript tracers, we'll consider it as a heavy resource-consuming request, and will charge it according to the CU standards of Debug Pro APIs.

However, if it did not use the Javascript tracers, we'll consider it as a regular Debug API request and charge it accordingly.

Quotas & Limits

Membership Tier
Monthly Quota
Rate Limit
Monthly Quota
500,000,000 CUs
Rate Limit
700 CUPS
Monthly Quota
2,000,000,000 CUs
Rate Limit
1,500 CUPS
Monthly Quota
5,000,000,000 CUs
Rate Limit
3,000 CUPS
Monthly Quota
Rate Limit
  • This API package's consumption is measured by (CUPS).
  • Each user will have a monthly quota of CU under a set rate limit Compute Units (CUs)depending on your membership tiers.
  • Your monthly quota will be shared among all API packages that consume CU.

API List (6)

debug_traceBlockByHash1800 CU/Request

This API replays all transactions that were included in this block by block hash.

debug_traceBlockByNumber1800 CU/Request

This API replays all transactions that were included in this block by block number.

debug_traceCall280 CU/Request

This API lets you run an eth_call within the context of the given block execution using the final state of parent block as the base.

debug_traceTransaction280 CU/Request

This API would replay any transaction that may have been executed prior to this one before it will finally attempt to execute the transaction that corresponds to the given hash.

eth_getDiffAccounts1000 CU/Request

This API returns changed accounts in a specific block number.

eth_getDiffAccountsWithScope1200 CU/Request

This API returns detailed changes of some interested accounts in a specific block number.

Supported Chains & Networks

BNB Smart Chain
BNB Smart Chain